3 Ways To Reduce Your Drayage Spend

Customers frequently approach us seeking ways to optimize their freight expenditures. The era of exorbitant rates witnessed during the pandemic has passed, and we’re witnessing a shift towards more commonplace rate reductions.

Outlined below are three strategies to streamline your invoices:

Chassis Management: Partnering with a carrier that maintains ownership of their chassis is pivotal in curbing costs and avoiding potential complications. Port chassis often present a myriad of issues, ranging from expired inspections to worn tires and faulty lights, compounded by limited availability. Arriving at a terminal without a chassis entails substantial risk, as terminals may face equipment shortages, resulting in dry runs or extended wait times and in some situations accidents due to bad equipment.

We advocate selecting a reputable trucker like MTZ Trucking, LLC, renowned for its in-house equipment ownership. Our rigorous quarterly inspections ensure optimal performance, minimizing any operational hiccups. Furthermore, our current terminal dwell time consistently remains under 2 hours.

Prepull Efficiency: Effective communication is paramount in orchestrating seamless deliveries and mitigating unnecessary prepull and storage expenses. If your receiving destination lies within 60 miles of the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, securing the earliest appointment of the day facilitates immediate container receipt post-delivery.

Ensure your chosen trucker prioritizes scheduling the earliest appointments and collaborates closely with you to facilitate prompt delivery post-container retrieval from the Port.

Demurrage and Per Diem Management: If your current trucker continues to subject you to these charges, please fire them! Demurrage fees are easily avoidable by vigilantly monitoring discharge dates and securing the earliest available appointments.

While returning some empty containers may pose logistical challenges, it’s essential for your trucker to maintain comprehensive documentation to dispute unwarranted per diem charges stemming from inadequate receiving appointments/availability.

At MTZ Trucking, we leverage cutting-edge technology to meticulously track empty return appointments, ensuring timely container returns, typically within the same day or within 48 hours.

If you’re constantly paying for these extra fees give us a call or send us an email and we can find ways to reduce your freight spend.
